of the
World Computer

of the
World Computer

of the
World Computer



smart contract blockchain

smart contract blockchain



the internet exists for

the internet
exists for

the internet exists for

shared actions

shared actions

shared actions

typically, user actions are coordinated by

typically, user actions are coordinated by

typically, user actions are coordinated by

centralized entities

centralized entities

centralized entities

but now the World Computer can facilitate these actions without the silos of a single entity

several million daily active accounts currently use the World Computer

several million daily active accounts currently use the World Computer

several million daily active accounts currently use the World Computer

the World Computer uses cryptography to ensure every server that runs the network operates predictably according to known rules

the World Computer uses cryptography to ensure every server that runs the network operates predictably according to known rules

the World Computer uses cryptography to ensure every server that runs the network operates predictably according to known rules

this predictability acts as a set of common standards that all apps can trust

anyone can evolve the standard by creating a new application without removing the old standards, maintaining predictability but maximizing adaptability

anyone can evolve the standard by creating a new application without removing the old standards, maintaining predictability but maximizing adaptability

anyone can evolve the standard by creating a new application without removing the old standards, maintaining predictability but maximizing adaptability

on the World Computer, applications aren’t just neighbors; they’re confidants sharing & building upon each other

new programs can predictably utilize existing programs without requiring developers to externally coordinate, enabling maximum innovation

new programs can predictably utilize existing programs without requiring developers to externally coordinate, enabling maximum innovation

new programs can predictably utilize existing programs without requiring developers to externally coordinate, enabling maximum innovation

users now have a neutral platform to broadcast data for use in any compatible application

similar to radio signals able to be picked up by any compatible radio, regardless of manufacturer

similar to radio signals able to be picked up by any compatible radio, regardless of manufacturer

similar to radio signals able to be picked up by any compatible radio, regardless of manufacturer

the World Computer public infrastructure ensures users control their own data

infrastructure costs are paid for at the point of user action

enabling decentralized infrastructure hosting and incentivizing efficiency

enabling decentralized infrastructure hosting and incentivizing efficiency

enabling decentralized infrastructure hosting and incentivizing efficiency

the World Computer advances:

the World Computer advances:

- neutral infrastructure

- maximized innovation

- user-controlled data

- embedded payments

- neutral infrastructure

- maximized innovation

- user-controlled data

- embedded payments

a complete transition to the World Computer, also known as Web3, requires three technical and economic components:

a complete transition to the World Computer, also known as Web3, requires three technical and economic components:

a complete transition to the World Computer, also known as Web3, requires three technical and economic components:

let's build a better internet together

let's build a better internet together

© 2023

© 2023

© 2023